The pre-sale has begun –get your tickets now!
Hard to believe! In 2005, we stepped onto the Spiegelzelt stage for the first time – and next year, we’ll celebrate 25 golden years of Äl Jawala at the ZMF. And while we’re not particularly nostalgic by nature, round numbers invite us to look back with joy and celebrate with all of you!
Here’s to friendship, music, travel, encounters, challenges, visions, change, and shared growth! It’s truly indescribable, beautiful, and always a new experience – every time we come together on stage.
A long history connects us as musicians and friends – and it also connects us with you, who have been with us for so long. We are grateful for all the places, stages, and festivals that create and hold space for this magic. All of this comes together in a special way at the Zeltmusikfestival in our hometown of Freiburg. We can’t wait to celebrate this milestone with you – in the city where it all began.
During the winter break, we’ll not only gather plenty of fresh energy but also work hard on new music, which you’ll get to experience live at the ZMF concert.